
Posts Tagged ‘Contest’

Cranklisted.com is having a little contest with a very easy to fill in form, for voting best bike blogs of 2010. I have decided to enter WV Cycling under the lifestyle category. If you want to vote, go HERE or click this Image:

Vote for me! 😀

I’m not sure if a valid email address is needed or not, but go ahead and use it, I haven’t received anything from them, other than a verification letter.

What Cranklisted has to say:

Is your cycling blog one of the best on the internet?  Of course it is, but this is your chance to let everyone else know as well. It is time to Crank it up and get recognized as being the best at what you do. Cranklisted.com and lovingthebike.com have teamed up to help rank the top blog sites in the online cycling world.

This is a totally unbiased ranking system….all based on your votes.  So once we compile the top nominated cycling blog sites, be sure to have your friends and fans come back to vote you the Crank Cycling Blog 2010.

Nominations will be taken for the top sites in different cycling blog categories including Road Cycling Blog, Mountain Bike Cycling Blog, Commuter Bike/Travel Cycling Blog, and Cycling Lifestyle Blog (this would be the category for those where cycling is a huge part of your life, and you blog about cycling and the lifestyle).

Nominate your favorite cycling blog site or the one you feel should be recognized for what they do.  Tweet, Facebook, and Social Media about it and encourage others to nominate their favorites as well.  Come on now, if you want your site to be recognized as the best cycling blog in the world, we’re going to have to open this up to as many blog sites as possible.  Send them all to www.cranklisted.com.

This is your chance to let all your readers show their support and nominate you as the best cycling blog in your category.  Act now as nominations will be taken up until Sunday, May 21st, with voting beginning on May 22nd.

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wvcycling.net is having it’s first contest!

Stickers and cyclists go together like JD and Turk, Laurel and Hardy, Bonnie and Clyde, or Johan and Lance. Easily said, they are a natural pair. Cyclists love stickers. They also love free stuff. This is a double plus contest since it is for free stickers. Not just ho hum 2″ x 3.5″ stickers, but Bumper Stickers! Yes! 3″ x 11″ Full scale bumper stickers. You know, the kind you plaster your laptop or dog or infant children with.

These bumper stickers are wvcycling’s first attempt at rewarding it’s readers for… well… reading!

The first 10 (ten) correct entries received in my mailbox (real mailbox, not email inbox, you technogeeks…) will be mailed a free bumper sticker from me. No shipping no handling, nothing. Free.

Ready for the quiz? Okay, here goes:

  1. Joe Parkin, the author of A Dog in a Hat primarily raced in what country in his book?
  2. Who is this man and what bike component (part, not brand name of the part) is he well-known for making?
  3. This Saddle belongs to _____________.
  4. This one may be difficult for WV non-natives. What State Park is this located in?
  5. What was this PRO Cyclist singing on the mic at the ’09 Giro, and Who is he? – Don’t stare too long or he’ll break down and cry.
  6. Name one registered trail at Holly River State Park.

There you have it. Mail your answers to the address below, and the first ten correct entries received will be rewarded with a wvcycling.net bumper sticker!

Stickers created by:

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